Time to Save Yourself
Dear Trump Zombie Cult Sycophant,
So now that he disgraced our democracy and again revealed his racist, fascist inner self in the first debate, it’s starting to look more and more like your boy is a very scared loser and is going to get his ass kicked November 3. I’m sure there’s still some silly fantasy in your mind he can eek out an Electoral College win, but let’s face it: there are only so many angry white racists who will go down swinging with this cretin, and the great majority of U.S. citizens are a lot smarter than that. They are coalescing in a big way to rid our country of this festering menace in the White House, and it looks like a massive Blue Tsunami is coming your way on Election Day.
So, if you’re a rabid state campaign functionary or you’ve been put in place by this megalomaniacal, narcissistic psychopath in the Cabinet, White House, Executive Branch Administrative Agencies or even if you’re a Senator or Representative who has hitched his or her wagon to this putrefying political malignancy, now might be a good time to come forward, tell the truth about what you know about his criminal behavior and cop a plea so you have some sort of future, other than behind bars.
Because at the end of the day, we are not going to become some authoritarian Banana Republic here in the United States as you might prefer, and your Dear Leader will ultimately face the Rule of Law, in a very yuge and bigly way. It was a pretty good run you had at a possible fascist regime, but it’s pretty clear now that our country and its very smart, diverse and multicultural electorate just won’t let that happen.
And when law and order is restored in our country by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a Democratic Congress, you will undoubtedly have hell to pay for the chaos, corruption, cruelty and raw criminality you have been a party to. The good news is Democrats believe in the Rule of Law and will afford you all your legal rights as they should, but just like the fricking Nazis after WW2, you will be pursued to the end of the earth and be held accountable for your crimes against We the People.
So, it might make a lot of sense for you to come forward now and save yourself before this freakish mess of a fake presidency completely unravels. Tell the press what you know now about the jerk’s crimes, and maybe you can make a buck or two on a good book deal and even avoid a stint in the Big House.
I know what you’re thinking. Can they really come after me, or no? You just gotta ask yourself, “Do I feel lucky?”
Well, do ya, punk?
(Photo by J.E. Hargate)