Call to Action

Arthur Hargate
2 min readSep 22, 2020


Original art by J.E.Hargate

Can all Democrats, Independents and responsible Conservatives with a functioning brain, beating heart and warm blood coursing through their veins all just agree now that the Party of Donald Trump (heretofore known as the Republican Party) is a breathtakingly corrupt, sycophantic lemming zombie cult?

Is the Party of Trump not deeply rooted in self-interested, reactionary, fascist extremism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, white extremism and racist hatred? Is the Party of Trump operating mode not bereft of any modicum of human decency, common sense or compassion? Are they not also apoplectically attacking the free press daily and are they not hell bent on staying in power seemingly forever while lining their grimy pockets with illicit cash at every possible political opportunity?

Clearly we now understand that the Party of Donald Trump stands monolithically united behind obscene profits for already wealthy donors, piles of cash for hate-filled re-election campaigns and brazenly partisan party politics before people. They have blithely defended the illegal acts of a monumentally unfit President to further the rule of their corrupt oligarchy. Isn’t that what the impeachment process of Donald J. Trump made abundantly clear to all about the Party of Donald Trump?

How much more corruption, criminality and moral bankruptcy do we need to uncover to declare emphatically that the Party of Trump (aka today’s Republican Party) is simply a dangerously grotesque political malignancy threatening the very health of our democracy? Must not their malevolent mind-controlled robots be removed from each elected office they hold at every level of government?

Can’t we all just agree now that that’s what must be done? Can’t we all just work our butts off now to do that?



Arthur Hargate

Arthur Hargate is retired after a 40-year management career in the environmental services business. He now writes, plays guitar and is a social activist.