A Love Letter to Republicans

Arthur Hargate
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Photo art by J.E. Hargate

Dear Jack-Booted Thugs,

I strained a bit coming up with a suitable greeting for this love letter and settled on this one because it was the least crude option I had available to me and brought to mind fascist regimes that you seem to admire and try to emulate. It’s a not particularly veiled Nazi allusion, which tends to make you apoplectic. That’s just fine with me.

I have been trying to ignore your horrifying histrionics since we elected a legitimate President last November, but when you keep doing insane stuff that threatens our democracy like telling gargantuan lies about the election or the Trump led capitol insurrection on January 6, it’s just impossible to not freak out.

So mea culpa. (Well, not really.)

Yesterday’s political perversion was your ouster of Lynn Cheney from a leadership position in the House because she believes that the truth matters. She won’t shut up about the Gargantuan Lie you tell that Joe Biden didn’t really win the 2020 election, so to make your slippery hoax just marginally believable to your know-nothing base of support, you have attempted to silence her by taking her out of your weird political limelight. The truth is you just made her voice that much stronger.

The shame in your bullying of her is that she is one of the very few elected Republicans today that is willing to rely on facts as a basis for their positions and has the backbone to say so. We call that courage, just so you know.

Or fortitude, or integrity, or chutzpah, or moxie, or gumption or simply something like well-reasoned intelligence. We progressives may vigorously disagree with Ms. Cheney on most if not all matters of policy, and we probably do. But we also give her credit for one very critical thing: she has grit, and grit that we acknowledge has honesty at its core, despite our opposing points of view.

You’ll note that I didn’t use the famously sexist adage that she has “balls,” the reason being that actually having balls (better known as testicles, FYI) in the Republican Party has proven to be a monstrous liability to our democracy as the GOP (Grey Old Pharts) has been dominated by racist, white, mostly Protestant males that have done nothing remotely courageous for the better part of the last 60 years.

I’m fond of observing that the GOP is today better described as the RWPP (Racist White People Party), because it’s so hideously close to being factually accurate. And don’t get me wrong; your party has a growing contingent of lying, fascist female kooks now too, but their numbers pale in comparison to the overwhelmingly insidious infection of poisonous, disingenuous, conniving old white guys.

So what exactly do you as a political party have to offer the American public? What is your vision, your plan, your platform?

The answer is nothing but racist fear, capitalist greed, faux-populism bordering on fascism, xenophobic hatred and a deeply embedded brand of selfish cruelty that suggests group brainwashing and psychosis. That’s it. That’s the madness the GOP has devolved to, and nothing is more emblematic of the deranged nature of your goose-stepping, mind-controlled zombie lemming cult than its wholesale group hug of the fricking Gargantuan Lie.

Now a word about the Nazi analogies here. The reason they infuriate you so is that they cut to the truth of your core. Your current beliefs and behavior are exactly the type of mania that got Nazism started: frightened nationalist WASPs willing to stand for racist, xenophobic lies rather than stand for the truth. And the lies are not just big; they are in fact gargantuan. Monstrous. Brobdingnagian even. (Look it up, okay?)

But here’s the rub. You wanted a culture war, and now you’ve got one. And we have come armed. No, not with guns, you insufferable dummy, with facts. With the truth. With generosity, and freedom, and compassion, and equality, and diversity, and humility, and integrity, and intelligence, and inclusion, and science and you can bet the ranch, with DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, that to their credit most developed nations have embraced in some form to benefit and reduce the suffering of their citizens.

And let’s face it; the numbers just are not in your favor. Your base of racist, fact-denying white Protestants is shriveling like a flaccid body part (think “shrinkage”,) and the last election showed clearly a momentously growing movement of people of color, young people, indigenous people, LGBTQ people, poor people, immigrants and people just devoted to truth over lies that are “mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more.”

Because they have been left behind and damaged by Republican lies and the capitalist oligarchy of white privilege and they are going to unceremoniously stuff you back under the slimy rocks from which you slithered. And you really must be feeling the demographic heat; otherwise you wouldn’t be flailing so madly to suppress the vote in 47 states.

The great news that we know to be true is that by 2040 the United States will no longer be a white majority nation. And in the next twenty years, it’s pretty clear that you will no longer be in a position to hold sway with your Ann Rand driven libertarian fantasies of governance. Biden is wildly popular. Your disgraced and deposed maniacal figurehead can’t get any traction on social media and his numbers are worse than ever.

So, the white privilege monster is dying, unfortunately a death that is taking far too long, but hopefully in that regard it will be as agonizing as possible for you. Because you have caused an immense amount of human suffering in the last 60 years, and the pain of being made irrelevant for you right now is entirely appropriate, believe me.

So, with that, let me say, “Have a super day!”


Arthur Hargate



Arthur Hargate
Arthur Hargate

Written by Arthur Hargate

Arthur Hargate is retired after a 40-year management career in the environmental services business. He now writes, plays guitar and is a social activist.

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